late night promises
i want to be there for you baby,
all the time
you know i know since i saw you first
that there was a connection
oh don’t do that with me,
hanging on like you know haha
a dead drooling dear at a string from a tree
baby we will go together somewhere tonight.
or yeah whenever
give me that glass back will you?
it’s like the stars to see your eyes shining
i will pay for all don’t worry
yeah i do have the –
i i i do can afford
come on you know me you say
so you know how i feel
you do care i know that very well
oh to hell with that waiter.
like he’s hidden in the shell hes given out
trying to find shelter hahaha
in all those mussels
what no i baby, you,
hey waiter another wine please.
Just you and me tonight
driven no matter what
what you say?
your hair is like fire on the moon,
i want to spoon it with my hands and raise it
as my price to the sky
you know we could go to hawaii,
or singapore
at a single shore just the two of us baby
wouldn’t that be something
no thanks, you say?
i think our children soon be born
would like it too.
i love the way you look
when you’re a little mad
you’re a goddess of….
goddess of…. something beautiful
you little mermaid you.
my pleasure in my reign
you’re the queen baby
let us get married right away
waiter, waiter what you say?
you make me feel the summer breeze
on my lower site you know
it has always been there
i love the way you try to hit
and i love your hand
i love your…
waiter could you honor us?
why so hursh
why all the fuss
love is just a game they say
don’t they?